Letter from the Artistic Director

dancers are the athletes of god
- albert einstein
a dance teacher told me once that you don’t choose dance - dance chooses you. this is true for me. what started out as a way for me to inhabit my long legs gracefully (my mother’s words) became a full blown love affair/obsession.
the form of the body molded by sweat and plies against the surface of the hard wooden floor caught my attention young and caught it completely. it was not even a question that i would dance, what was surprising was that it became my method of communicating with the divine - a religion of sorts. the discovery of choreography is a surprising treasure and one that expresses the deepest parts of my being.
my desire as a choreographer is to bring out all of the hidden, sacred, vulnerable, sexy, rejected, and unknown places within and make them beautiful, make them unapologetically human.
jordan marinov, artistic director